Paediatric and Adolescent/Adult Asthma Management

Come and listen to our knowledgeable speakers on all things asthma. Morning tea and lunch provided.


Registrations now open!

Spend a day learning the ins and outs of asthma management, both in children and in adults.


9.30am: Morning Tea and Refreshments

Welcome & Introduction to the Workshop 

Susan McGiven, Northland Community Health Team, Clinical Hub Nurse, Mahitahi Hauora PHE


10am-12pm: Paediatric Asthma Workshop

“Lungs4Life” Programme           Anna Thomas, Clinical Nurse Specialist (Paediatric Respiratory)

Dysphasia                               Leesa Wilgar, Speech & Language Therapist, Northland District Health Board

Paediatric Asthma Pathway      Dr Ailsa Tuck, Paediatrician (TBC)  


12.00-12.30pm: Break for Lunch


12.30-2.30pm Adolescent and Adult Asthma Workshop

Adolescent and Adult Asthma Pathway, Asthma Review Consultation, Frequently Asked Questions     Clinical Nurse Specialist, Respiratory Department, Whangarei Hospital (TBC)

Asthma NZ, Asthma Nurse Educator (TBC)


If any speakers are unable to attend, an AstraZeneca educational pre-record may be used.

This event is sponsored by AstraZeneca who will be present on the day. Lunch and morning tea kindly provided by AstraZeneca.